SPJ awards Excellence in Journalism awards for 2012

The Connecticut chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) announced the winners of their 2012 Excellence in Journalism contest on Thursday night in North Haven. Here are the awards for sports writing and photography. All of the awards can be found at the preceding link.
Sports Column
Community Non-Daily (1) How do ya like them apples?; Shoreline Times; Jimmy Zanor (2) Lamade Stadium: a living field of dreams; Shoreline Times; Jimmy Zanor (HM) Bring it on: Examining the state of competitive cheerleading in Connecticut; The Source; Chris Piccirillo
Newspaper at 18,000 to 40,000 circulation (1) Pax, Paterno; Record-Journal; Bryant Carpenter (2) A Brodeur View: A proud ‘rock’ in Tuccio family; News-Times; Chris Brodeur (HM) Talk about the passion; Record-Journal; Bryant Carpenter
Newspaper below 18,000 circulation (1) League needs a new identity; Norwich Bulletin; Marc Allard (2) Extra kudos to valedictorian athletes; Middletown Press; Joe Pelletier (HM) Cool Justice: The Quiet Man, Javier ‘El Chino’ Flores, lives to fight; Register Citizen; Andy Thibault
Online (1) Fifteen years later, the Whalers influence is still being felt; Collinsville Press.com; Gerry deSimas, Jr.
Sports Feature
Community Non-Daily (1) Getting PEPpy about female ACL prevention; Harbor News; Holly D’Addio
(2) Sidelined for senior season: The story of Staples soccerplayer Turner Block; Westport Minuteman; Mary Albl
(HM) Perseverance is ticket to Olympics; Westport News; Doug Bonjour
Magazine (1) Goal oriented; Connecticut Magazine; David Holahan
Newspaper above 40,000 circulation (1) Hope endures all; Connecticut Post; Kevin Duffy (2) Yale Football: Bulldogs football has been a part of Orange’s Walter ‘Bud’Smith’s life since 1933; New Haven Register; Chris Hunn (HM) New Haven 200: Wild night was fitting end to Blades’ existence; New HavenRegister; Chip Malafronte
Newspaper at 18,000 to 40,000 circulation (1) Running for his life; News-Times; Chris Brodeur (2) Road warriors; Record-Journal; Bryant Carpenter (HM) North Stonington’s Jacob Edwards was born to run; The Day; VickieFulkerson
Newspaper below 18,000 circulation (1) Wesleyan Footprints: Henri Salaun ’49 battled through WWII obstacles, found squash fame; Middletown Press; Joe Pelletier (2) Connecticut Yankee; Greenwich Time; David Fierro (HM) Here come the girls; Norwich Bulletin; Marc Allard
Online (1) Brisco makes a difference with off the field inspiration; Collinsville Press.com;Gerry deSimas, Jr. (2) Magna and Canton friends help Tobacco Valley win first Connecticut Collegiate Baseball League title; Collinsville Press.com; Gerry deSimas, Jr.
Regional Non-Daily (1) Special needs self-defense; Valley Press; David Heuschkel (2) The Commish; Connecticut Law Tribune; Christian Nolan (HM) Seeing double; Valley Press; David Heuschkel
Television (1) London calling; News 12; Damian Andrew (2) Ultimate summer job; News 12; Daniel Renzetti
Sports News
Community Non-Daily (1) Rooting for Dan Ross; New Haven Register; Jimmy Zanor (2) Mike Olt starts Major League career with the Texas Rangers; The Sound; Chris Piccirillo
Newspaper above 40,000 circulation (1) A winning career; Hartford Courant; Dom Amore (2) Violation of CIAC rules; Waterbury Republican-American; Alia Malik and Mark Jaffee (HM) Little League World Series: Will Lucas tosses no-hitter for FairfieldAmerican; New Haven Register; Mary Albl
Newspaper at 18,000 to 40,000 circulation (1) Coast Guard Academy’s Stosz on 40th anniversary of Title IX; The Day; Vickie Fulkerson (2) Cherry-picking gem; News-Times; Chris Brodeur (HM) One big, happy family; Record-Journal; Bryant Carpenter
Newspaper below 18,000 circulation (1) Football: Xavier beats Glastonbury to reach Class LL final for 3rd straight year; Middletown Press; Joe Pelletier
Online (1) Missing discus doesn’t faze Graziano at New England’s; Collinsville Press.com; Gerry deSimas, Jr. (2) Hard working Xavier holds off Hand to claim first Open title; Connecticut Wrestling Online; Gerry deSimas, Jr.
Photography: Sports Photo
Community Non-Daily (1) Dirty dozen defies men’s football history; Greater New Milford Spectrum; Norm Cummings (2) CT Senior Games at Walnut Hill Park; New Britain City Journal; Eva Gryk
Newspaper above 40,000 circulation (1) Catching a foul ball; Waterbury Republican-American; Jim Shannon (2) Over the top; New Haven Register; Peter Casolino (HM) Winning play?; New Haven Register; Peter Hvizdak
Newspaper at 18,000 to 40,000 circulation (1) Dog in the race; The Day; Tim Cook (2) Lacrosse collision; The Day; Dana Jensen (HM) Football tumble; The Day; Tim Cook
Newspaper below 18,000 circulation (1) H-K field hockey wins Class S championship; Middletown Press; Catherine Avalone (2) Vikings; Stamford Advocate; Lindsay Niegelberg (HM) Mighty Tigers advance; Norwich Bulletin; Aaron Flaum
Online (1) Tough defeat; WestportNow.com; Douglas Healey